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Reverse signs of aging

This non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure is the number one cosmetic treatment in America, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Botox/Dysport is a natural protein used for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe lines in the forehead, frown lines, and eyes in adult patients aged 18-75. Botox/Dysport can also be used for hyperhydrosis (excess sweating not controlled by a clinical deodorant).

Botox/Dysport works by targeting and temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles. The Botox/Dysport blocks the signal to the muscle to inform it to contract. Therefore, the muscle doesn't contract and the skin over the muscle relaxes, resulting in a much smoother and youthful appearance. The ten minute procedure consists of a series of tiny injections into the targeted area; the effects of Botox/Dysport are reversible and gradually wear off in about four to seven months.


What is Botox/Dysport?
Botox/Dysport injections are a diluted form of Botulinum Type A, that has been purifed and is injected into facial muscles to weaken the muscles that form wrinkles. There are no live bacteria in Botox Cosmetics. Last year, the procedure was performed in the United States more than 1.6 million times, a 46 percent increase since 2000 and a 2,356 percent increase since 1997.

The History of Botox/Dysport 
Botulinum toxins were first researched in the late 1960s to treat neurological disorders. Botox was first approved by the FDA in 1989 to treat eye muscle disorders (blepharospasm, uncontrollable blinking, and strabismus, crossed eyes). In 2000, it was approved to treat cervical dystonia (a disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder contractions). As an unusual side effect of the eye disorder treatment, doctors observed that Botox softened the frown lines between the eyebrows. Dysport, whis is also a Botulism Toxin Type A was FDA approved in 2009 (but has been used in Europe for over a decade), after the 10 year patent for Botox ended. Dysport is the same exact product as Botox, except it has a higher protein load, which makes the product last approximately four weeks longer. Dysport kicks in quicker, requires less injections, and lasts longer. 98% of my clients use Dysport. A large percentage of them have used Botox in the past and prefer the Dysport.

Botox/Dysport is the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed. What kind of wrinkles do Botox/Dysport injections treat? Botox/Dysport can treat wrinkles that are caused by muscle contraction, such as frown lines, crow's feet, forehead creases, and neck bands. Botox/Dysport can also be used for hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating that cannot be controlled by dermatologic strength deodorants).

Results of Botox/Dysport Injections 
Results are normally seen within 2 to 8 days. Dysport results tend to kick in quicker. The results for Botoxgenerally last 4-6 months and Dysportis 5 - 7 months. To see before and after pictures, 

Recovery after Botox/Dysport
There is generally no recovery period. There may be some red raised areas ("welting") after the procedure, but will be gone within 10 - 15 minutes. You can go directly back to your normal activities. The only thing we ask is that you do not do any heavy vigorous activity for 2- 3 hours, no facials or tanning for 24 hours, and mainly just not manipulating the area for 24 hours.

Safety and Side Effects 
Botox/Dysport is proven to be safe and effective. Over the past 20 years, Botulinum Toxin Type A has been evaluated in more than 200 studies. There are no documented systemic complications associated with Botulinum Toxin Type A, and has been widely used for more than 25 years with millions of people.

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